
This page provides a number of readings that you might find useful. In many cases you will require Adobe Acrobat on your computer to read and print them.

  • Geller, Sheldon H. (1977) “The Sexually Assaulted Female: innocent victim or temptress?” Canada’s Mental Health 23(1) 26-29.
  • On the Implications of Content and Structural Analysis (Jackson, 1981)
  • Lenton, Rhonda L. (1989) “Homicide in Canada and the U.S.A.: a critique of the Hagan thesis” Canadian Journal of Sociology 14(2)163-178.
  • The Canadian Labour Farce: Marchak, M. Patricia (1973) “The Canadian Labour Farce: Jobs for Women”. Pp 199-212 in Stephenson, Marylee, Women in Canada, Toronto: New Press.
  • Notes on the Logic of Inquiry (Reimer, 1995)
  • Davidson, Alan G. (1991) “Looking for love in the age of AIDS: the language of gay personals” The Journal of Sex Research 28(1)125-137, February.
  • Davies, Michele L. (1993) “Healing Sylvia: accounting for the textual ‘discovery’ of unconscious knowledge” Sociology 27(1)110-120, February.
  • Discourse perspectives. From Parker, Ian (1992) Discourse Dynamics: Critical Analysis for Social and Individual Psychology, New York: Routledge, pp 3-22, 122-127.
  • Heritage, John (1985) “Analyzing news interviews: aspects of the production of talk for an overhearing audience” Pp 95-117 in Teun van Dijk (ed) Handbook of Discourse Analysis, Vol 3. Discourse and Dialogue, London, Academic Press, pp 95-117.
  • Chart from Holsti, Ole (1969) Content Analysis for the Social Sciences and Humanities. Reading: Addison-Wesley, p 25.
  • Laner, M.R. & G.W.I. Kamel (1977) Media Mating I: Newspaper “Personals” Ads of Homosexual Men. Journal of Homosexuality 3(2): 149-162.
  • Laner, Mary Reige (1978) Media Mating II: “Personals” Advertisements of Lesbian Women. Journal of Homosexuality 4(1): 41-61.