You will find links to the following types of materials:
Working Documents and Projects
- CRRF Archives. I am currently the Archivist for CRRF Be sure to check out some of the events and insights I have found.
- Several of our NRE alumni organized a 25th year anniverrsary. You can see their comments and invitations for additional projects via this link.
- Reimer30YearsOfCRRF02. Prepared for the 30th anniversary of CRRF – 2018. Identifies some of the things I have learned over my years with ARRG and CRRF.
- “Rural Policy Learning Commons: building rural policy through international comparative analysis” SSHRC Partnership Grant: 2014-2021; $2.5 million. The project includes 47 Co-investigators, 13 Collaborators, and 30 institutional Partners.
- 7 Strategies for Rural Communities: a video presentation (35 minutes)
- Strategies for Managing Large Projects Series
- “A pilot study of rural wildfire preparedness and experiences”, Louse Picard Public Health Project, Vettoretti, I., Lightfoot, N. (co-principal investigators), MacEwan, L., Kulig, J., Townshend, I., Edge, D., Reimer, B., Botey, A., Hill, M.E., Hawkins, B., Fortin, B. 2013-2015.
- ICRPS 2012 Summer School Documents
- CRRF-Japan Blog: News re. Japanese Fukushima disaster
- Canadian regional development: a critical review of theory, practice and potentials (SSHRC-Funded Project 410-2010-2273, Dr. Kelly Vodden, PI)
- Resiliency in Rural Settlements That Have Experienced Wildfires (Dr. Judith Kulig, PI)
- Canadian Longitudinal Data Consortium (Established 2010)
- Measurement of Social Capital (paper for publication)
Published materials (selected)
- Reimer, B & Bollman, R. D. (2021). What is Rural? What is Rural Policy? What is Rural Development Policy? In The Routledge Handbook of Comparative Rural Policy (Ch. 1). Routledge.
- Reimer, B., & Johnson, T. G. (2021). Comparing Ruralities: The case of Canada and the United States. In The Routledge Handbook of Comparative Rural Policy (Ch. 2). Routledge.
- Reimer, B. (2021). Rural poverty in a comparative context. In The Routledge Handbook of Comparative Rural Policy (Ch. 13). Routledge.
- Reimer, B. (2021). Rural policy in Canada. In The Routledge Handbook of Comparative Rural Policy (Ch. 32). Routledge.
- Breen, Sarah-Patricia, Hannah Main, Danielle Collins, Valencia Gaspard, Brennan Lowery, Sarah Minnes, and Bill Reimer. (2019) Discussion and Recommendations, In Main, Hannah, Sarah P. Breen, Danielle Collins, Valencia Gaspard, Brennan Lowery, Sarah Minnes, and William Reimer The State of Rural Canada III: Bridging Rural Data Gaps, Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation,
- Reimer, Bill and Ray Bollman. (2019) Introduction, In Main, Hannah, Sarah P. Breen, Danielle Collins, Valencia Gaspard, Brennan Lowery, Sarah Minnes, and William Reimer The State of Rural Canada III: Bridging Rural Data Gaps, Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation,
- Main, Hannah, Sarah P. Breen, Danielle Collins, Valencia Gaspard, Brennan Lowery, Sarah Minnes, and William Reimer (2019) The State of Rural Canada III: Bridging Rural Data Gaps, Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation,
- Vodden, K., Douglas, D. J. A., Minnes, S., Markey, S., Reimer, B., & Breen, S.-P. (2019). Conclusions: Implications for policy and practice. In Regions and Cities. The Theory, Practice, and Potential of Regional Development: The case of Canada (pp. 212–234). Abingdon, Oxon?; New York, NY: Routledge.
- Reimer, B., Barrett, J., Vodden, K., & Bisson, L. (2019). Rural-urban interactions and interdependence. In Regions and Cities. The Theory, Practice, and Potential of Regional Development: The case of Canada (pp. 149–182). Abingdon, Oxon?; New York, NY: Routledge.
- Breen, S.-P., Markey, S., & Reimer, B. (2019). Regional development in Canada: Eras and evolution. In Regions and Cities. The Theory, Practice, and Potential of Regional Development: The case of Canada (pp. 12–29). Abingdon, Oxon?; New York, NY: Routledge.
- Vodden, K., Douglas, D. J. A., Markey, S., Minnes, S., & Reimer, B. (Eds.). (2019). The Theory, Practice and Potential of Regional Development: The Case of Canada, 1st Edition (Hardback) – Routledge (1st ed.). Retrieved from
- Bollman, R. D., & Reimer, B. (2018). The dimensions of rurality: Implications for classifying inhabitants as “rural”, implications for rural policy and implications for rural indicators. In 2018 Conference, July 28-August 2, 2018, Vancouver, British Columbia (277251; 2018 Conference, July 28-August 2, 2018, Vancouver, British Columbia). International Association of Agricultural Economists.
- Casey, L., McCarthy, B., Phillips, R., Benoit, C., Jansson, M., Magnus, S., Atchison, Reimer, B., Reist, D., Shaver, F. (2017). Managing conflict: An examination of three-way alliances in Canadian escort and massage businesses. Pp 131-149 in Horning, Amber and Anthony Marcus, Third Party Sex Work and Pimps in the Age of Anti-Trafficking, Springer International Publishing: New York.
- Benoit, C., Smith, M., Jansson, M., Magnus, S., Ouellet, N., Atchison, C., Casey, L., Phillips, R., Reimer, B., Reist, D., Shaver, F. (2016). Lack of confidence in police creates a ‘blue’ ceiling for sex workers’ safety. Canadian Public Policy/Analyse de politiques. 42 (4). (see
- Reimer, Bill (2016) “The Accidental Rural Sociologist” In Bakker, Johannes I. (“Hans”) Rural Sociologists at Work: Candid accounts of theory, method, and practice, Routledge: New York, Pp. 171-191.
- Woodrow, Anna and Bill Reimer (2014) “Building Capacity: The Role of Rural Traditional Media and the New Rural Economy” Journal of Rural and Community Development, 9(4) 181-202.
- Reimer, Bill (2014) “Rural and Urban: Differences and Common Ground”, Chapter 4 in Hiller, Harry H. (ed.) Urban Canada: Sociological Perspectives, third edition, Don Mills: Oxford U. Press, Pp.64-87.
- Reimer, Bill (2013) “Seven Strategies for Rural Communities” In Randall, Jim Learning Environment Module 2: A Primer on Rural Economic Change in Canada UPEI: Pressbooks.
- Kulig, J., Edge, D., Townshend, I., & Reimer, W. (2013). Community Resiliency?: Emerging Theoretical Insights. Journal of Community Psychology, 41(6), 758–775.
- Kulig, Judith, Ivan Townshend, Dana Edge, William Reimer, and Nancy Lightfoot (2013) “Impacts of Wildfires: aftermath at individual and community levels?” Australian Journal of Emergency Management, 28:3 July.
- Reimer, B., & Brett, Matthew. (2013). Scientific Knowledge and Rural Policy: A long distance relationship. Sociologia Ruralis, 53(3), 272–290.
- Jean, Bruno and Bill Reimer, Eds (2013) Governing Sustainable Rural Futures: Final report of the ICRPS Summer School, Québec 2013. Rural Development Institute: Brandon MB.
- Reimer, Bill, Judith Kulig, Dana Edge, Nancy Lightfoot, and Ivan Townshend (2013) “The Lost Creek Fire: Managing social relations under disaster conditions“, Disasters 37(2):317-332
- Jean, Bruno and Bill Reimer (2012) Recommandations des participants à l’École d’été 2012 sur l’étude comparative internationale des politiques rurales pour la future Politique nationale de la ruralité du Québec (PNR3), Rapport présenté au Ministère des Affaires municipales, des Régions et de l’Occupation du terrioire (MAMROT), Université du Québec à Rimouski.
- Reimer, Bill (2013) “The trajectories of rural communities in Canada: A review of the literature” Pp 91-109 in Parkins, John R. and Maureen G. Reed, Social Transformation in Rural Canada: Community, Cultures, and Collective Action, Vancouver: UBC Press.
- Reimer, Bill (2011) “Social Exclusion through Lack of Access to Social Support in Rural Areas” Pp 152-160 in Social Statistics, Poverty and Social Exclusion: perspectives Québébecoises, Canadiennes et internationals, Montréal: Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal.
- Reimer, Bill (2010) “Rural-Urban Interdependence as an Opportunity for Rural Revitalization” Pp 10-21in Beesley, Kenneth B. The Rural-Urban Fringe in Canada: Conflict and Controversy, Brandon University: Rural Development Institute.
- Reimer, Bill (2010) “Social Welfare Policies in Rural Canada” in Milbourne, Paul (ed.) Welfare Reform in Rural Places: Comparative Perspectives, volume 15 of Research in Rural Sociology and Development series, Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.
- Reimer, Bill (2010) “Space to Place: Bridging the Gap” Pp 263-274 in Halseth, Greg, Sean Markey and David Bruce (editors). The Next Rural Economies: Constructing Rural Place in a Global Economy, CABI International: Oxfordshire, UK .
- Halseth, Greg, Sean Markey, Bill Reimer, and Don Manson (2010) “Introduction: The Next Rural Economies” Pp 1-16 in Halseth, Greg, Sean Markey and David Bruce (editors). The Next Rural Economies: Constructing Rural Place in a Global Economy, CABI International: Oxfordshire, UK .
- Reimer, Bill and Ray Bollman (2010) “Understanding Rural Canada: Implications for Rural Development Policy and Rural Planning Policy” Pp 10-52 In Douglas, David, Rural Planning and Development in Canada, Toronto: Nelson Education Ltd. (select as free eChapter from Nelson Brain)
- Halseth, Greg, Maureen Reed, and Bill Reimer (2010) Pp 256-280 “Inclusion in Rural Development Planning: Challenges and Opportunities” In Douglas, David, Rural Planning and Development in Canada, Toronto: Nelson Education Ltd. (select as eChapter from Nelson Brain)
- Lyons, Tara and Bill Reimer (2009) “A Literature Review of Capacity Frameworks: Six Features of Comparison” In Godfrey Baldacchino, Rob Greenwood, Lawrence Felt (eds.) Remote Control: Lessons in Governance for/from Small and Remote Regions, St John’s NL, ISER Press: 63-76.
- Lipton, Becky, Hagens, Victoria, Reimer, Bill (2009) “The Rural Context of Municipal Autonomy” In Godfrey Baldacchino, Rob Greenwood, Lawrence Felt (eds.) Remote Control: Lessons in Governance for/from Small and Remote Regions, St John’s NL, ISER Press: 137-147.
- Reimer, Bill (2010) “Rural and Urban: Differences and Common Ground” In Hiller (Ed.), Urban Canada (2nd Ed.), Don Mills: Oxford U. Press: 62-84.)
- Reimer, Bill (2009) Rural Canada: challenges and opportunities. Report prepared for the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, May, 15pp.
- Kulig, Judith, Dana Edge, Bill Reimer, Ivan Townshend, and Nancy Lightfoot (2009) “Levels of Risk: Perspectives from the Lost Creek Fire” Australian Journal of Emergency Management, 24:2, 33-39.
- Bollman, Ray D. and Reimer, William (2009) “Demographics, Employment, Income, and Networks: Differential Characteristics of Rural Populations” Journal of Agromedicine, 14:2, 132-141.
- Reimer, Bill (2009) “Key Findings from 20 Years of Rural Research” – a paper and video clip presentation prepared for the Reversing the Tide: Strategies for Successful Rural Revitalization Project – BC 2009
- The paper (pdf – 314 KB)
- The video clip (Flash swf file – 32 MB)
- Kulig, Judith C., Ambra Gullacher, Bill Reimer, Ivan Townsend, Dana S. Edge, Nancy Lightfoot, Katja Neves-Graca, Murray McKay, Dave Hutton, Michael Barnett, John Clague, and Andrew Coghlan (2008) Lost Creek Fire: Lessons Learned, Lethbridge University,
- Reimer, Bill and Sean Markey (2008) Place-based Policy: A Rural Perspective, Ottawa: Human Resources and Social Development Canada, November 7, 14 pages with 49-page Appendix.
- Reimer, Bill and Masashi Tachikawa (2008) Capacity and Social Capital in Rural Communities, Chapter 6 in Apedaile, Peter and Nobuhiro Tsuboi, Revitalization: Fate and Choice, Brandon: Rural Development Institute, 15 pp.
- Reimer, Bill and Mami Nagata (2008) Building Rural and Urban Common Interests, Chapter 10 in Apedaile, Peter and Nobuhiro Tsuboi, Revitalization: Fate and Choice, Brandon: Rural Development Institute, 13 pp.
- Proposal for The Trajectories of Rural Communities in Canada. Submitted to SSHRC. Funding successful for April 2009 to March 2012.
- Jacob, Benoy, Lipton, Becky, Hagens, Victoria, and Reimer, Bill (2008) “Re-thinking local autonomy: perceptions from four rural municipalities” Canadian Public Administration, 51:3 (Sept) 407-427.
- Alasia, Alessandro, Ray Bollman, John Parkins, and Bill Reimer, (2008) “An Index of Community Vulnerability: Conceptual Framework and Application to Population and Employment Changes, 1981-2001” Statistics Canada: Agriculture and Rural Working Paper Series, Catalogue no. 21-601-MIE – No. 88.
- Reimer, Bill, Lyons, Tara, Ferguson, Nelson, and Polanco, Geraldina, (2008) “Social capital as social relations: the contribution of normative structures” Sociological Review, 56:2, pp 256-274.
- Reimer, Bill (2008) “Rural Vitality – From Surviving to Thriving: Insights from the New Rural Economy Project” Invited presented at the Rural Vitality Conference, Kingston, ON (Monieson Centre – Queens University and Prince Edward/Lennox & Addington Community Futures Development Corporation), May 22.
- Reimer, Bill (2007) “The Eastern Townships in the New Rural Economy: Lessons from Pan-Canadian Research” Journal of Eastern Townships Studies, No. 29-30, Fall/Spring 2006-07: 27-44.
- Reimer, Bill (2007) “Learning for the Future” Rural Councillor, 42:3 Aug-Sept: 12-13.
- CBC All In a Weekend (August 19, 2007): Audio20070819
- Reimer, Bill (Ed.) (2007) Our Diverse Cities: Rural Communities Toronto: Metropolis, Number 3, Summer.
- Reimer, Bill (2007) “Immigration in the New Rural Economy” Pp. 3-8 in Reimer, Bill (Ed.) Our Diverse Cities: Rural Communities, Toronto : Metropolis, Number 3, Summer.
- Reimer, Bill, Mike Burns, and Paul Gareau (2007) “Ethnic and cultural diversity in rural Canada: its relationship to immigration” Pp. 30-35 in Reimer, Bill (Ed.) Our Diverse Cities: Rural Communities, Toronto : Metropolis, Number 3, Summer.
- Proposal for the Canadian Rural Research Network (SSHRC)
- ClusterProposal2007Final.pdf (88 KB)
- ClusterProposalEvaluationResults (1.7MB) – password protected
- Proposal for Concordia Centre for Rural Research and Education ProposalCCRRE08.pdf (375KB)
- PPT and PDF for May 30, 2007 Plenary (note: pdf is much smaller)
- BridgingCommunities16.ppt (17.5 MB)
- BridgingCommunities16.pdf (1MB)
- BridgingCommunitiesHandout.pdf (900KB)
- PPT for Presentation to SSHRC-INE Workshop (May 31, 2007)
- The NRE Project 1997 to 2007 (1.7 MB)
- Reimer, Bill (2006) A Comparative Overview: the Canadian/Australian Experience, Pp 14-25 in Rogers, Maureen (Ed.) The Changing Nature of Australia’s Country Towns, Bendigo: Victorian University Regional Research Network
- Reimer, Bill and Bollman, Ray (2006) “The New Rural Economy: Key Observations for Research and Policy in the Canadian Context” Pp 236-255 in Rogers, Maureen (Ed.) The Changing Nature of Australia’s Country Towns, Bendigo: Victorian University Regional Research Network.
- Hagens, Victoria, Lipton, Becky, Jacob, Benoy, and Reimer, Bill (2006) “Autonomy and Discretion in Local Governance: A Rural and Small Town Perspective.” Municipal World, (April):19-22, 68.
- Reimer, Bill (Ed.) The New Rural Economy, Special Issue of the Journal of Rural and Community Development, 1(2) 2006.
- Reimer, Bill (2006) “The Historical Context of Rural Research”, Journal of Rural and Community Development, 1(2)50-55,
- Reimer, Bill (2006) “The Rural Context of Community Development in Canada”, Journal of Rural and Community Development, 1(2)155-175.
- Reimer, Bill (2006) “The Informal Economy in Non-Metropolitan Canada” The Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, 43:1(Feb)23-49.
- NRE Capacity Framework – a Paper presented with Tara Lyons at the CRRF/NRRN Conference, Twillingate, NF June 8, 2006 (pdf, 75KB)
- Files for World Congress of Rural Sociology
- ReimerTrondheim01.pdf – Paper presented in the Social Exclusion Symposium (224 KB)
- ReimerSocialSupportTrondheim02.pdf – Powerpoint presentation for the Social Exclusion Symposium (704 KB)
- Tiepoh, M. Geepu Nah, and Bill Reimer (2004) “Social Capital, Information Flows, and Income Creation in Rural Canada: A Cross-Community Analysis” Journal of Socio-Economics, Vol 33(4)427-448.
- Reimer (2004) “Social Exclusion in a Comparative Context” Sociologia Ruralis 44(1)76-94 January.
- CBC Radio Noon Phone-in (June 14, 2004): Audio20040614
- Reimer, Bill (2002) “A Sample Frame for Rural Canada: Design and Evaluation” Regional Studies, 36.8:845-859.
- Reimer, Bill and Grace Young (Eds) (1994) Development Strategies for Rural Canada: Evaluating Partnerships, Jobs, and Communities. Proceedings from the 5th National ARRG Conference: Wolfville, N.S., Brandon University: Rural Development Institute.
- Shaver, Frances M. and Bill Reimer (1988) “Modernisation, rapports de production et division sexuelle du travail à la ferme, compté de Montmagny, 1951-1981.” In Rechereches Sociographiques XXIX(2-3):329-348.
- Reimer, Bill (1986) “Women as farm labor.” Rural Sociology 51(2):143-155
- Reimer, Bill (1984) “Farm mechanization: the impact on labour at the level of the household” The Canadian Journal of Sociology 9(4):429-443.
- Reimer, Bill (1983) “Sources of Farm Labour in contemporary Quebec.”, The Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 20(3):290-301
- Bird, Fred and Bill Reimer (1982) “Participation rates in new religious and para-religious movements.”, In Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 21(1):1-14. Reprinted in P.H. McNamara (ed), Religion: North American Style (2nd ed.). Wadsworth Publishing Co:Belmont, pp. 283-295, 1984. Reprinted in Eileen Barker (ed), Of Gods and Men: New Religious Movements in the West. Macon: Mercer University Press, pp. 215-238, 1983.
- Eamer, Don and Bill Reimer (1971) “Computer techniques in myth analysis.” Working Paper Series, University de Urbino, Urbino, Italy.
Selected Presentations
- Breen, S.-P., Halstrom, L. K., Weeden, S. A., Markey, S., & Reimer, B. (2021). Building the Canada We Want in 2050. Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation.
- Reimer, Bill (2018) “Rural Community Sustainability: context, challenges, and opportunities” Presentation to the Sustainability Study Group, McGill Association for Lifelong Learning, November 1.
- Reimer, Bill (2018) “New Researcher Forum” CRRF Annual Conference 2018, Saskatoon, SK, October 10.
- Reimer, Bill (2018) “CRRF Conversation Café” Plenary presentation at the CRRF National Conference, Saskatoon, SK, Oct 09.
- Reimer, Bill (2017) “La politique rurale québécoise: le liens rural-urban” Présentation keynote à la Séminaire du CRDT, Ste-Foy, QC, Nov 16. [English version]
- Markey, Sean, Bill Ashton, Ryan Gibson, Bill Reimer, Philomena de Lima, Elin Gwyn (2017) “From (Stone) Soup to Nuts: Lessons from the creation of an international and intersectoral learning commons” Panel presentation to the CRRF National Conference, Nelson, BC, September 21.
- Reimer, Bill, Jean Dionne, and Bruno Jean (2017) “Québec’s Approach to Regional Government: An overview and Critical Reflections” RPLC Webinar Presentation, June 14, 2017. YouTube version:
- Reimer, Bill (2016) “Authors Meet the Critics: Routledge International Handbook on Rural Studies” International Rural Sociology Association Meeting 2016, Toronto, Canada, August 13.
- Reimer, Bill (2016) “Introduction to Panel on the Rural-Urban Nexus: Challenges and Opportunities” International Rural Sociology Association Meeting 2016, Toronto, Canada, August 11.
- Reimer, Bill (2016) “Do rural communities matter? – Implications for agricultural policy” Presentation to the Rural Policy Committee of the Canadian Federation of Agriculture, Calgary, July 18.
- Reimer, Bill (2016) “Understanding Social Capital for Community Development Policy” Presentation to the International Comparative Policy Studies Summer School, Fairbanks, Alaska, July 16.
- Gibson, Ryan, Sean Markey, and Bill Reimer (2016) “State of Rural Canada 2015” Presented to the ECONOUS2016 Conference (CEDNet), Montréal, May 19.
- Reimer, Bill (2016) “The Future of Quantitative Sociological Research: a 2016 perspective” Presented to the joint Applied Social Statistics and Graduate Quantitative Methods Seminar, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Concordia University, March 31.
- Reimer, Bill (2015) “Managing Education and Research Partnerships: Tips from the trenches” Presented at the ACSRC Network Leadership Symposium, Edmonton, Sept. 22-24.
- Reimer, Bill (2015) “The State of Rural Canada: Questions for Candidates” Presented at the CRRF National Conference, Charlottetown, PEI, September 17. State of Rural Canada Questions for Candidates flyer.
- Shaver, Frances, Bill Reimer, Mikael Jansson, Lauren Casey, Cecilia Benoit, and Dan Reist (2015) “Social and legal environments related to Canadian prostitution law” Presented by Frances Shaver at the Second International Conference on Public Policy in Milan, Italy, July 3.
- Jansson, M., Atchison, C., Benoit, C., Casey, L., McCarthy, B., Phillips, R., Reimer, B., Reist, D., “Analyzing and evaluating recent prostitution legal change in Canada: The value of robust measures and a rigorous methodology.” Second International Conference on Public Policy in Milan, Italy, 1-3 July 2015.
- Benoit, C., Atchison, C., Casey, L., Jansson, M. McCarthy, B., Phillips, R., Shaver, F., Reimer, B., Reist, D., Smith, M. “Sex Industry Workers & Confidence in the Police in Canada.” Second International Conference on Public Policy in Milan, Italy, 3 July 2015.
- Reimer, Bill and Robert Zabawa (2015) “Fieldwork Methodology” Presentation at the ICRPS 2015 Summer School, Galway, Ireland, June 25.
- Nancy Lightfoot with the support of the Rural Wildfire Study Team (2015) “Timmins 9 Wildfire: Evacuation Experience, Preparedness, and Lessons Learned” Presentation by Nancy Lightfoot to the Northern Health Research Confernce, Timmons, ON, June.
- Brett, Matthew, Kelly Vodden, and Bill Reimer (2015) “Regard sur le nouveau régionalisme au Canada rural: une comparison interprovinciale” Presentation by Matthew Brett to the annual meeting of ACFAS, Rimouski, QC, May 28.
- Reimer, Bill, Joshua Barrett, and Kelly Vodden (2015) “The Water-Food-Energy-Climate Nexus: An opportunity for rural-urban policy integration” Presentation to the Water-Food-Energy-Climate Nexus: An emerging challenge for rural policy, OECD/ICRPS/RPLC Preconference, Memphis, May 18.
- Jean, Bruno and Bill Reimer (2015) “Québec’s Approach to Regional Development: A successful rural policy under budgetary pressure” Presentation to the Water-Food-Energy-Climate Nexus: An emerging challenge for rural policy, OECD/ICRPS/RPLC Preconference, Memphis, May 18.
- Jean, Bruno and Bill Reimer (2015) “Québec’s Approach to Regional Development: An historical analysis” RPLC Webinar, Feb 23. [Link to recording]
- Reimer, Bill (2014) “Collaboration Challenges: Research, Policy, Community” Québec Lower North Shore-Labrador Straits Regional Development: Towards Regional Collaboration, Blanc Sablon (QC) & L’Anse au Clair (NL), October 14-16.
- Reimer, Bill (2014) “Governance and Managing Research Partnerships” Partnership Grants Startup Meeting, SSHRC, Ottawa, ON, October 1.
- Reimer, Bill (2014) Panelist in e-Dialogue on Rural Revitalization. Part of e-Dialogues for Sustainable Development, Royal Roads University, September 29
- Reimer, Bill (2014) “Facilitating Collaboration for New Rural Realities” Keynote presentation at the CRRF Annual Meeting: New Realities, New Relationships, Prince George, BC, September 26.
- Reimer, Bill (2014) “Facilitating Collaboration among Researchers, Policy-makers, and Communities” Presentation to the 2014 Rural Research Day, OMAF Conference Centre, Guelph, ON, April 29.
- Reimer, Bill (2014) “Quel sort pour la campagne? Nouvelles configurations politiques et le rôle des initiatives locales” Présentation avec Sara Teitelbaum au département de sociologie, Université de Montréal, Mars 19. English version can be accessed here.
- Reimer, Bill (2014) “The Changing Role of TAs: online vs. in-class” Presentation to the eConcordia Teaching Colloquium, March 7.
- Reimer, Bill (2013) “NRE-Reimer Festschrift: Speaking Notes” Presentation to the NRE Symposium, Thunder Bay, ON, Oct. 23.
- Reimer, Bill (2013) “Rural Policy Changes in Canada.” Presentation to the Leslie Harris Centre, Memorial University of Newfoundland, July 31.
- Reimer, Bill (2013) “Innovative Public Management: Frameworks for community governance” Presentation at the ICRPS2013 Summer School, June 21, Bertinoro, Italy.
- Reimer, Bill (2013) “What is Policy” Presentation at the ICRPS2013 Summer School, June 17, Bertinoro, Italy.
- Reimer, Bill (2013) “Using Interactive Maps as Learning Tools” Presentation at e.SCAPE Conference, Montréal: Concordia University, April 5.
- Reimer, Bill (2012) “What I have learned: Rural Research Workshop – 2012” Keynote presentation to the 2nd Annual Rural Research Workshop, Ottawa ON, May 25.
- Reimer, Bill (2012) “Enhancing the Vitality of Nova Scotia” Invited presentation to the Deans’ and Deputy Ministers’ Forum, Halifax, NS, March 22.
- Reimer, Bill (2011) “Facilitating Rural Futures: multi-level governance under austerity” Invited presentation to the Ontario Minister of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) Executive Forum, Guelph, ON, December 8.
- Reimer, Bill (2011) “Understanding Rural Canada: context, challenges, and opportunities” Invited presentation to the Ontario Minister of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) Rural Forum, Guelph, ON, December 8.
- Reimer, Bill (2011) “Social Exclusion and Social Support in Rural Canada” Invited presentation to Social Statistics, Poverty and Social Exclusion: perspectives from Québec, Canada and Abroad, CIQSS-QICSS International Conference, UQAM, Montreal, December 1.
- Reimer, Bill (2011) “Understanding Rural Canada: context, challenges, and opportunities” Videoconference presentation to the Rural Development Network of the Rural and Co-operatives Secretariat of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, September 8.
- Ramsey, Doug and Bill Reimer (2011) “Participatory Research Methods” ICRPS Summer Institute, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB), Ås, Norway, July 1.
- Reimer (2011) “Rural Policy in Québec: the institutional context” ICRPS Summer Institute, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB), Ås, Norway, June 30th.
- Townshend, Ivan, Judith Kulig, Bill Reimer, Dana Edge, Nancy Lightfoot (2011) “Perceived Resiliency and Community Cohesion in Wildfire Communities” Presentation to the Canadian Association of Geographers, Calgary, May 31-June 4.
- Reimer, Bill (2011) “Measuring Social Support: Comparing community and national-level results” Presentation to the 1st National Rural Research Workshop, Ottawa, May 5.
- Townshend, Ivan, Bill Reimer, Dana Edge, Judith Kulig, Nancy Lightfoot (2011) “On the Structure of Perceived Resiliency and Community Cohesion in Wildfire Communities” Presentation to the “Resilence, Innovation, & Sustainability: Navigating the Complexities of Global Change” conference, Arizona State University, March 11-16.
- Reimer, Bill (2010) “Rural Research Centres in Canada” Presentation to the CRRF Annual Conference: On the Bright Side, Brandon, MB, Oct 16.
- Reimer, Bill (2010) “Working In A Research Team” Presentation to the Department of Sociology and Anthropology Graduate Seminar, March 17.
- Managing student participation in research projects. This YouTube interview identifies a strategy I use for including students in my research projects–along with some of the benefits of my approach.
- Reimer, Bill (2010) “Regional Collaboration: the importance of social infrastructure” Presentation to the CRRF Annual Conference: On the Bright Side, Brandon, MB, Oct 16.
- Reimer, Bill (2010) “Cheap Food: Are we ready to pay the price?” Invited presentation for the Concordia University of the Street, Sept 22.
- Reimer, Bill (2010) “Revitalizing Rural and Urban Relations: Seven Strategies for Rural Revitalization” Presentation to Newfoundland and Labrador Policy-makers, St. John’s, June 14.
- Reimer, Bill (2010) “Attracting Immigrants in the New Rural Economy” Presentation to the FCM National Conference, Toronto, May 28.
- Reimer, Bill (2010) “Regional Policy in Canada: lessons learned” Presentation to the “Harnessing the Tide” workshop, May 11. (Presentation Notes, YouTube videos: Part1-Challenges, Part2-Provinces, Part3-Question1, Part4-Question2, Part5-Actions1-3, Part6-Actions4-7)
- Reimer, Bill (2010) “Immigration in the New Rural Economy” Presentation to the Welcoming Communities Seminar, Ottawa: Metropolis Project, Jan. 25. (Français)
- Reimer, Bill (2009) “Sustainable Regional Development” Two-day seminar for the Institute for Global Change Adaptation Science, Ibaraki University, Japan, Dec. 10 and 11. (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4).
- Reimer, Bill (2009) “Using Oral History for Rural Research and Revitalization” Presentation to the Oral History Project, Concordia University, April 7.
- Rural-Urban Interdependence in the New Economy – A presentation to the Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, January 30, 2009. This presentation is available in two forms:
- Reimer, Bill (2008) “Insights from the New Rural Economy Project: Design, Findings, and Challenges” Presentation to the School of Environmental Design and Rural Development, University of Guelph, Sept. 28.
- Reimer, Bill (2008) “Constructing Social Theories – the NRE Experience” Presentation to the Graduate Theory Class, School of Environmental Design and Rural Development, University of Guelph, Sept. 28.
- Reimer, Bill (2008) “Major changes affecting Rural and Small Town Canada” Invited workshop presentation at the “Rural Matters” Conference, Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Counties, July 7.
- Reimer, Bill (2008) “Capacity-building examples from the New Rural Economy Project” Invited workshop presentation at the “Rural Matters” Conference, Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Counties, July 6.
- Reimer, Bill (2008) “The Rural-Urban Interface” Invited presentation at the “Rural Matters” Conference, Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Counties, July 6.
- Reimer, Bill (2008) “20 Years of CRRF: What we have learned” Presentation at the CRRF National Conference: Boom-Bust Economies, Inuvik, NT, June 20.
- Reimer, Bill (2008) “(In)Visibility for Knowledge Mobilization: The NRE Experience” Invited presentation at the SSHRC Knowledge In Society Workshop, UBC, Vancouver, June 3.
- Reimer, Bill (2008) “Rural Vitality – From Surviving to Thriving: Insights from the New Rural Economy Project” Invited presented at the Rural Vitality Conference, Kingston, ON (Monieson Centre – Queens University and Prince Edward/Lennox & Addington Community Futures Development Corporation), May 22.
- Reimer, Bill (2008) “Rural Research Centres in Canada” Invited presentation to the Knowledge in Motion Conference, St Johns’s: The Leslie Harris Centre of MUN, October 16.
- Reimer, Bill and Laura Ryser (2007) “Knowledge Mobilization in the New Rural Economy Project: 1997-2007” Saskatoon, SK, May 31, 2007.
Web site links
- the Rural Policy Learning Commons website
- the Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation Web Site
- the New Rural Economy Web Site
- the Department of Sociology and Anthropology Web Site ( Concordia University )
- Resiliency in Rural Settlements that have Experienced Wildfires
- Canadian Regional Development: A critical review of theory, practice, and potentials
- Pathways to Prosperity: Canada – an alliance of university, community, and government partners dedicated to fostering welcoming communities and promoting the integration of immigrants and minorities across Canada
- Understanding Sexwork: a health, research, and community partnership
- International Comparative Rural Policy Studies Program